Friday, September 3, 2010


The Kitty Room

Where kitties roam free at the Humane Society! Deirdre and I named every single one in the room. It was awesome. This one is Desmond because he chilled in a box/hatch the whole time we were there until right before we left. I was sure to get a picture with him. :)

This is Coach. He is either a really big basement cat or a teeny tiny black panther.

This is Sawyer. He was lovin' on Deirdre's bag most of the time. He also tried to escape just as we walked in the door.

This is us with Scott and Steve. Or Steve and Scott.

Scott and Steve! Or Steve and Scott...

This is Cobra. Or John Locke. We changed his name a lot. He also was loving on Deirdre's bag.

These kitties were so freaking cute! :3

So today, I woke up at 9:30 and drove to Wafflehouse to have breakfast with Deirdre and Urn. We ate, then we went back to HHS to visit with teachers. We were able to sneak in without signing in as visitors. First we visited Nicky and Caitlyn and other peeps at lunch. Then, we skipped off to Coach Brown's. But he wasn't feeling well, so that was less fun. So we went to Ms. Shultz's, but she had to teach all day (psh. gay.), so we visited Ms. Staubs, who also had to do some grading. Then we went to Mr. Bethel's. His class was watching a video so we chatted for a bit. Then, Deirdre and I waited outside the classroom as Urn talked to Ms. Stenson. Then, I set off to see if Ms. Ryan still hates me (oh, she does.) while Deirdre talked to Ms. Thomas the science teacher and Urn talked to Goff. Ms. Ryan had forgotten I had graduated, so I guess that explains (only slightly) why she didn't even wave hello or acknowledge my presence at first when I walked in. Then, after a minute, she asked me what I was doing there. I said I was visiting. Later, after the class was dismissed for lunch, she asked if I had a full schedule. I figured out pretty fast that she thought I was still in high school. Which is demeaning. Awesome. She asked me if I was taking seven classes. I just raised my eyebrow at her and waited for her to figure it out. She did. Then, she apologized and soon sidled off to lunch. That was a five minute waste of my time. So, I joined Deirdre in Ms. Thomas' room. We went over to Ms. Payne's and talked to her for a bit. Learned some juicy gossip. Mhm. Saw Mrs. Thomas the math teacher. She didn't see me. Then, we went back to lunch. Urn looked for Eileen. She found her. So, Deirdre and I decided to go see Mr. Frye. We were on our way down the hallway between the gyms when Coach Layhew stopped us. I said we graduated last year and were going to see Mr. Frye. He told us we needed visitor passes, so we had no choice but to turn right back around and get them. I told the desk lady that Miss Pill was expecting me (lies), so I quickly texted her. Fortunately, Ashely wasn't in her room, so it wasn't a big deal. She was in Mrs. Staubs', though, I found out. We got our visitor passes, collected Urn, and then went to Mrs. Staubs' again. We hung out there for a bit before going back to lunch. When Urn couldn't find a certain someone, we decided to leave. We dropped Urn off at her house and Deirdre and I went to the Commons. First to Books A Million so I could get my Oreo Frappe, then to Petsmart to look at the adorable animals. Then, we decided to go to the kitty room, which was lovely (see above pictures!) then we went back to Commons to Target to walk around. I pointed out that Sawyer's favorite book is "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck and Deirdre suggested we start our own book club. Target only had one copy of the book, so we decided to get it at Books A Million. So we went back to Books A Million (the barista was happy to see us again ;P) and Deirdre got a drink and we bought our books. I'm on page 30 now. It's pretty good so far. It's gonna be an easy read. Man, I really want to read Lord of the Flies again. <3 I stopped by the pharmacy for mom on the way back home because I'm so nice. Please note: First drive-thru experience EVER. Got home, read some "Of Mice and Men." Then, I did some dirty work. That is, trying to convince Mom to let me have rats.  

I made the mistake of trying to talk her into it with Dad around. I thought it would be better that way because he tends to be supportive when it comes to things I want that take convincing. But, I was wrong. Note to self: Leave Dad out of rat discussions. He was mostly just mouthing off the whole time about how rats are dirty and gross, which is totally false. Mom didn't give me one legitimate excuse for not being allowed to get one other than, "I'm not letting you get a rat, because they're RATS." So superficial. I mean, what's not to love about these little guys? So darn cute. And they're so smart, too! n_n 

Well, I'm off for another lovely night. Maybe I'll read some "Of Mice and Men." :)

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